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Are you a student or a working professional looking to make an impact like creating clean energy, securing the cyber space, solving problems in the manufacturing industry using automation or creating breakthrough automobiles?

Are you a student or a working professional who's looking to impact the world of healthcare? Do you want to know more on how the human body functions, how it reacts to disease and pharmacological treatment for disease, with the skills needed to enter a range of clinical and academic health professions?

Are you someone who wants to be a powerful influence in making business managers more accountable to the society they shape or frame economic policies, by having a business education?

Design is slowly changing the evolution of businesses. It's a medium by which brands can express themselves across an increasingly complex ecosystem of spaces. It's a mind-set to solve complex business challenges. Additionally, it is the means by which companies build emotional connections and stay on the leading edge of change.

The law is important for a society for it serves as a norm of conduct for citizens and acts as a guideline as to what is accepted in society. We need law: to regulate society; to protect people; to enforce rights and to solve conflicts. Laws prevent or deter people from behaving in a manner that negatively affects the quality of life of other people; therefore the consequences of breaking the law often fit the crime.

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